K E G newsletter – March 2013
vessel, bottle or vase, plant pot or any interesting shaped vessel –this will
be left in, so don’t use your best vase!
up bowl.
towels – not white or your best ones ( there is a small chance that dye may
come out of the fleece )
Plastic bags – Supermarket
or clean milk bottle for sprinkling water
gloves if you have sensitive hands. Optional – Waterproof apron.
you have some pipe lagging, a 2ft pole or similar to roll the fleece round,
this would be helpful
meeting on April 18th will be
a Doll, tutor Debbie Woolley
queries to Zena Smedley, tel 01973 71023
KEG newsletter - September 2012
AGM will take place on Thursday 20th September 2012, at Friends’
Meeting House at 10.00am.
We have a vacancy for a new treasurer, so would be glad to
receive any nominations for the post. A vote will be taken at the AGM to elect
a new Treasurer and confirm the present Chairman and Secretary in post. The
business meeting will be followed by our Treasurer receiving annual
Sally Evans will be showing us how to make Chinese bags. She
will bring a kit for these, so just bring threads and your usual sewing kit.
Free tea and coffee available from 9.30am onwards. Remember
to bring your own lunch, or you can buy some at Booths.
October 18th’s meeting will be a talk in
the morning given by Kathryn Thompson --entitled Dolls with Attitude. Bring
your sewing to do in the afternoon, after lunch.
November 15th’s meeting will be a workshop
by Shirley McKeand doing crewel work seed pods.
Shirley will bring the fabric with the design already
printed on it.
Requirements for students
1 embroidery hoop x 6inch
1 embroidery hoop x 8inch
Sewing needs – eg; scissors, needles etc
*Any sheer fabrics of your colour choice
*Selection of stranded cottons, Madiera rayons, Cotton
Broder etc
*Shirley will bring a selection of all these if needed.
INFORMAL MEETINGS – as in other years we have these meetings
(10am til 3pm) through the winter months, starting in October.
The dates are 4 Oct, 1 Nov, 29 Nov, 3 Jan, 7 Feb, &
March and ending with 4 April.
These usually take place at Pat’s house in Threlkeld.
Committee Members – there will
be a committee meeting following our AGM.
at Temple Sowerby
- 15 and 16 September
Just a reminder, you can visit Temple Sowerby Village Hall on Saturday
and Sunday, 15th and 16th September, 10am till 4pm, to
see lots of lovely quilts and our very own embroidered pieces. There are also mini-workshops to make a silk
painted and embellished postcard or folded patchwork square, everyone attending
will be invited to ‘make a patch’ towards a Linus quilt for a child in need,
and there will be demonstrations of various crafts. Refreshments will be available and the
entrance fee of £3 will include tea or coffee.
If you wish to exhibit some of your work at Temple Sowerby ,
please let Pat (01768 779448) or (patknifton@hotmail.com) know, along
with a value, as insurance will be available.
Also, can you let Pat have your items by Thursday,
13th September.
And another thing … can you come along and steward on either day? Again, please contact Pat quickly to let us
know, as it is imperative to have people keeping an eye on our precious