Wednesday, 10 December 2014

November meeting.....Mary Taylor

Embroidered Landscapes

On Thursday 20th November we were very pleased to welcome Mary Taylor to our meeting to tell us about her embroidered landscapes.

          Mary has a unit in Farfield Mill in Sedbergh where she usually works and displays her pictures etc. for sale but on this morning had come to Keswick to show us how she makes them. And what a treat it was!

          Backed up with her excellent photographs of the landscapes she is depicting, Mary was very generous with her information regarding her methods of working and the fabrics and threads she uses. She had many samples to hand round showing us the various stages of her work and demonstrated each of the steps she takes to achieve her amazing results.

          Her talk and demonstration was interesting, informative and inspiring and left many of our members fired up with enthusiasm to “give it a go”. Mary, however, has been making these landscapes for several years, since completing her City and Guilds, and thus has perfected her techniques, so I do not think she needs worry about any serious competition any time in the near, or even the middle distant future!

Thanks to Val for this report, on a meeting I was very disappointed to miss!  I don't have any pictures of Mary's talk; hopefully someone might send me some. However, here is a link to Mary's website where you can check out her work.