September's meeting began with The AGM. Pat Knifton stood down as Secretary after two busy terms and Zena Smedley was elected to replace her. Melanie Vincent is leaving the area, and so resigned from the committee, and Janet Earle was elected. The rest of the committee remains in place.
The squares we made during last year are completed and are hanging in the room where we meet. Val received a lovely letter of thanks from Michael Evans on behalf of the Friends, which I have copied below.

'When Friends met on Sunday, they were all struck by the beautiful wall-hanging which Keswick Embroiderers have presented to the meeting. We feel that the beauty of the workmanship contributes an element of Spirituality to a room that is normally used for prosaic and mundane purposes. We are delighted that you use our premises for your meetings and are grateful for your contribution to their appearance.
Please thank your members for all the skilled and thoughtful work which was entailed.'
We spent some time discussing the 'other' postcards. Our designated country is Lesotho.
The meeting continued into the afternoon. Unfortunately, I had to leave at lunchtime, but Val was all set to deliver a talk and Powerpoint presentation. Someone may write a report on this ...........