Although we didn't have an official 'trip' to Harrogate, several of us made the journey over on the Thursday, some in groups, and others under their own steam. Going on the first day turned out to be a good decision, because of the weather ,which was just beginning to turn wintry, and giving some of us nightmares about getting back. I'm sure it put off lots of visitors on the other days.
A shame, because it was a good show, with plenty to see for anyone interested in textiles. Almost too much, really, and I was glad I'd decided to stay overnight, and visit the show twice.It meant I could have a good look round on Thursday, and leave buying anything until Friday. One hall after another of equipment, threads, fabrics, and beautiful creative work to inspire. I loved talking to the creators of work I'd seen in
Stitch magazine, and to Janet Browne, whose embroidery was featured recently in
Embroidery. Part of her work is based on 'maps' of the area where she lives, interpreted in felt, calico and stich. I thought they were intriguing when I saw them in the magazine, and was even more impressed when I could look at them close-up, and talk to her about them. There were some of the larger pictures I'd dearly loved to have brought home, but settled for a small picture of a bird, which is waiting to be framed, and a bookmark, a printed copy of one of the larger works.
This sea-bird is machine-stitched on painted calico over felt, and there is some hand embroidery added.
I was lucky to be staying very close to the Show, and fortunate that I was travelling by train, getting home just before the weather really closed in. Even on that Thursday, parts of North Yorkshire were under snow, but there was very little in Harrogate while I was there. I hope the other Keswick Embroiderers I saw there got home safely!

'Six Hens' bookmark, Janet Browne
Let's hope we can all make it to the Horse and Farrier in Threlkeld on Thursday 9th for that all-important Christmas lunch!