Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Knitting and Stitching Show 2011 Harrogate

It amuses me to think of all the stitchers in the North of England heading for Harrogate last week, from every guild and group. Lots of our members were there, mainly on the Thursday, I think, and as ever, there was almost too much to see. It's a bit overwhelming, and takes great determination to get round everything, even over the two days that some of us had. Two of our group did a box-weaving workshop, and I was allowed to see the results over dinner on Thursday evening. A photo may appear here , who knows? I did Hilary Hollingsworth's Bayeux Stitch workshop, which I found very interesting, and although I only managed to get a tiny bit of the cartoon image finished, I do intend to work on this more. Again, I'll post a picture when there's something to see!
The weather got worse over the course of the show. I went in to the  Hall on Friday, while it was a crisp, dry day, and emerged a few hours later to horrible wind and rain, managing to get thoroughly wet, twice, on the way to the station. I know it got even worse on the Saturday. And people think we do this for pleasure!

I particularly liked the work by Ten-Plus Textiles,

Linda Young

Caroline Turner

 The Prestonpans Tapestry, two panels here,

 Seven men, and Highland charge,

MA work by a student from The University of Cumbria, whose name I will add shortly,

and the stunning exhibition of work by Beryl Dean.

An exhausting but rewarding trip, and there may be thoughts from other members added soon.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lutradur Books....Some inspiring work on felt...and Newsletter.....

Making Books with Lutradur

For our November meeting, we dabbled with Lutradur, the very versatile spun-bond 'fabric' and experimented with the soldering iron.

The Lutradur had already been dyed with silk paints, and we used the sheets to construct a book with folded pocket pages and a cover. A soldering iron was used to cut out shapes, either free-hand or drawing round a metal shape.   

The front covers were decorated  with a mixture hand of machine embroidery, beads, copper sheeting, fine wires, and some of them were soldered round the edges.

The techniques used to construct and decorate the books were  some of those developed by Lynda Monk, and by Margaret Beal. Most of the creations weren't quite finished at the end of the day, but hopefully they will be, soon.

This weekend, I visited the Country Living Christmas Fair in Glasgow. It's always a good start to Christmas shopping, and as usual there lots of inspiring hand-made goods, many of them textiles. But my very favourite work was that by Moy Mackay, who usually shows her work in galleries, and not in shows. She creates astonishing landscapes using machine embroidery on hand-made felt. Her pictures are truly beautiful. I thought i'd seen her work somewhere, and in fact, she has exhibited at Percy House in Cockermouth. If you get the chance to see any of her pictures, do go along. Here are some images from her 2012 calendar.

November Newsletter from Zena;

Keg newsletter

                                                                      Nov 2011

Our next formal meeting will be at the Horse & Farrier Inn at Threlkeld for Christmas lunch, on December 8th. It’s at 12.00 for 12.30 and if you have not already done so you need to decide if you would like 2 courses for £11.95 0r 3 courses for £14.95. Meals will be ordered on the day, but we need to know definite numbers by 1 Dec. They also need to be paid for by that date, so we can just give the pub one cheque on the day of the meal
The embroidered cards that we are making to exchange as pressies, could you put a greeting and date on them as we would like to display them at our exhibition on 6 July 2012 at the Moot Hall in Keswick.
Our next informal meeting is on 1 Dec at Pat’s house, Corvus at Trelkeld. The colour for the raffle is yellow/gold or orange, if you could bring some buttons, fabric, ribbon or threads, to give you some ideas.
Bring your sewing or embroidery to do whilst chatting and something to share for lunch,
The informals for next year, weather permitting, will be 5 Jan, 2 Feb and 1 Mar, again
at Pat’s house.
There is a North West Region Summer School at Alston Hall, Longridge, Preston from 19 to 22 July 2012. Tutors are Janet Browne –Stitching Journeys, Sheila Smith-Surface Texture in Stitch with Felt and Katie Pirson – Wonderful  Whitework
You need to decide by the start of next year.

Any queries Zena Smedley 016973 71023

Friday, 11 November 2011

November Informal Meeting

Meeting as we do in the heart of the Lake District, we all travel through spectacular countryside to get together.Sometimes the weather conspires to make life difficult for us, but there are also beautiful Autumn days when we can really appreciate where we live. This was the view from Pat's sitting-room, where we met for our November informal . 

Lots of chatting, and planning .........some people are off to the exhibition at Barton Grange, and lots of us are looking forward to the Knitting and Stitching Show this month.And we perused the menu  for the Horse and Farrier, in Threlkeld where we will be having our Christmas Lunch.  
As always, we enjoyed our shared lunch, and had our raffle.(This month's colour was red.)  Most people did some sewing, too, getting on with various 'works in progress'.

Pat's disappearing nine-patch........

Val's crewel work..........


Lena's long-term bag project...........

Our next meeting is 17th November, when we will be making a small book from Lutradur.