It amuses me to think of all the stitchers in the North of England heading for Harrogate last week, from every guild and group. Lots of our members were there, mainly on the Thursday, I think, and as ever, there was almost too much to see. It's a bit overwhelming, and takes great determination to get round everything, even over the two days that some of us had. Two of our group did a box-weaving workshop, and I was allowed to see the results over dinner on Thursday evening. A photo may appear here , who knows? I did Hilary Hollingsworth's Bayeux Stitch workshop, which I found very interesting, and although I only managed to get a tiny bit of the cartoon image finished, I do intend to work on this more. Again, I'll post a picture when there's something to see!
The weather got worse over the course of the show. I went in to the Hall on Friday, while it was a crisp, dry day, and emerged a few hours later to horrible wind and rain, managing to get thoroughly wet, twice, on the way to the station. I know it got even worse on the Saturday. And people think we do this for pleasure!
I particularly liked the work by Ten-Plus Textiles,
Linda Young
Caroline Turner
The Prestonpans Tapestry, two panels here,
Seven men, and Highland charge,
MA work by a student from The University of Cumbria, whose name I will add shortly,
and the stunning exhibition of work by Beryl Dean.
An exhausting but rewarding trip, and there may be thoughts from other members added soon.